
My husband Roger and I are late middle-aged dropouts. At least, that’s what I think we are given the lack of a better definition. We’re certainly not ‘retired’ since we aren’t living off a pension (and we’re way too young!); we aren’t ‘unemployed’, as we’ve deliberately walked away from paid employment and we’re not looking for another job; we’re not ‘supported’ because we don’t receive money from any kind of social fund. ‘Early retirees’, then? Maybe, but I quite like ‘dropouts’ as it sums up so well precisely what we have done: made a conscious decision to step off the hamster wheel of inevitability and live our lives a little differently. Simply. Happily. Fully. Having lived in a little mountain house in beautiful Asturias for nearly five years, we made the decision to return to Mayenne in northern France and continue our adventure there, living a simple life as the country bumpkins we’ve always been. By sharing some of our ideas and experiences, I’m hoping we can inspire others to live life as an adventure and follow their dreams whilst walking lightly on the earth. Come in. Welcome. Stay as long as you want. Please feel free to leave a comment. If nothing else, I hope you leave with a smile!
